Survival Tips
Tip Number 1: Don't despair. Take action.
If you want your business to survive a crisis, you must take action. Hopefully you have already taken action before the crisis and planned for the future. If you haven’t, you must start now.
A positive attitude is important. Whenever a disaster happens, whether it be Covid 19 or Cyclone Harold or a personal disaster, the one thing we know is that at some time it will pass, and if we can stay positive, we are helping ourselves to survive and come out the other side stronger.
A positive attitude is important. Whenever a disaster happens, whether it be Covid 19 or Cyclone Harold or a personal disaster, the one thing we know is that at some time it will pass, and if we can stay positive, we are helping ourselves to survive and come out the other side stronger.
Tip Number 2: Don't be alone. Seek help.
Tip Number 1 was: Don’t despair. Take action. However, during a crisis, taking action on your own is tough. You will not be the only one who is worried and even frightened about the future and these reactions are perfectly natural, but if you are going to survive and rebuild for the future, you need to be optimistic and focused on actions. You cannot do that on your own.
Tip Number 3: Look after your people and tell them what is happening
Tip Number 2 was: Don’t be alone – seek help. Unlike a local disaster like a cyclone this current disaster is affecting the whole world and most business owners will be facing the same challenges.
While life is tough now, there will come a time when the disaster passes, and life begins to return to normal – it is already beginning in some countries. When that happens, you will need the support of the people who supported you before the virus.
While life is tough now, there will come a time when the disaster passes, and life begins to return to normal – it is already beginning in some countries. When that happens, you will need the support of the people who supported you before the virus.
Tip Number 4: Don't bury your head in the sand - plan for the future.
Tip Number 3 was: Look after your people and tell them what’s happening.
As with all disasters, there will come a time when the disaster will pass, and things will return to near normal.
You have the opportunity at the moment to think about the future and to think about what you can do to be better prepared next time. Because there will be a next time - in the Pacific extreme weather-related events, and other crises, are part of the business environment yet often planning does not take these into consideration. Also, business disasters are not only the well-publicised cyclones or tsunamis or earthquakes – fire destroys many businesses, health issues close many other, localised events can impact negatively on local businesses.
As with all disasters, there will come a time when the disaster will pass, and things will return to near normal.
You have the opportunity at the moment to think about the future and to think about what you can do to be better prepared next time. Because there will be a next time - in the Pacific extreme weather-related events, and other crises, are part of the business environment yet often planning does not take these into consideration. Also, business disasters are not only the well-publicised cyclones or tsunamis or earthquakes – fire destroys many businesses, health issues close many other, localised events can impact negatively on local businesses.
Tip Number 5: Be prepared to do things differently
Tip Number 4 was: Don’t bury your head in the sand – plan for the future. As with all disasters, there will come a time when the disaster will pass, and things will return to near normal.
After any disaster it is tempting to look forward to when things will go back to the way they were. If you do that you are possibly missing an opportunity. A disaster, like bad news, is often the catalyst for change. We may not like being told by the doctor that we need to lose weight but, like it or not, we have the choice to make different decisions for a different result in the future.
After any disaster it is tempting to look forward to when things will go back to the way they were. If you do that you are possibly missing an opportunity. A disaster, like bad news, is often the catalyst for change. We may not like being told by the doctor that we need to lose weight but, like it or not, we have the choice to make different decisions for a different result in the future.
Tip Number 6: You are not the only one affected by the disaster
Tip Number 5 was: Be prepared to do things differently.
My final tip in this brief series is just to remind you that everyone has been affected by the current Covid 19 disaster. It is true that any disaster affects people in different ways, but no-one is left untouched. Life has changed for all. This presents a number of opportunities.
My final tip in this brief series is just to remind you that everyone has been affected by the current Covid 19 disaster. It is true that any disaster affects people in different ways, but no-one is left untouched. Life has changed for all. This presents a number of opportunities.